How to File a Nursing Home Abuse Case (Complete Guide 2023)

How to File a Nursing Home Abuse Case (Complete Guide 2023)


Realizing that your loved ones are not entirely protected in the nursing home can be heartbreaking. Thus, it is your responsibility to ensure that they receive the best care possible. If your family members are not treated well in a nursing home, contact a nursing home abuse lawyer in Des Moines to know the next step. This article will discuss a complete step-by-step process to file a nursing home abuse case. Let’s dive in! 

8 Steps To File A Nursing Home Abuse Case

1. Prioritize your Loved One’s Safety 

Prioritizing your loved one’s safety should be your first concern if you see any signs of misbehavior or abuse. If they are in danger, take immediate steps and move them into a protected environment like your home.  

2. Gather all Evidences 

Evidence can support your case; thus, collect all evidence like photographs, videos, medical reports, living conditions, witness statements, and more related to neglect or abuse. Keep a detailed journal of all the information and interactions. 

3. Document All Information 

Collect and keep all information safe yourself. During your conversations with the staff and other residents, you may come across different things like name, time, place, and more that need to be documented carefully.  

4. Consult an Attorney 

There are expert nursing home abuse attorneys who specialize in handling such cases. They help you assess the case, give necessary advice, collect evidence, and guide you throughout the process. 

5. Notify the Nursing Home 

Notifying the nursing home regarding all the mental and physical abuse suffered by your family member is essential. Ask for a copy of their medical records along with other vital documents. 

6. File a Lawsuit 

If the neglect or abuse is not settled through administrative interference, your nursing home abuse lawyer may file a lawsuit against all responsible parties. 

7. Follow Up and Monitor Care 

Experienced abuse can be traumatic physically, mentally, and emotionally, which leaves an ever-lasting impact on a person. In such a situation, your loved ones will require extra care from your end. 

Wrapping Up!

Nursing home abuse has become quite common. If it has occurred with someone who knows, you can hire a specialized lawyer to seek justice. 

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