Restoring Churches and Lives: The Inspiring Journey of Inspired Heights

Restoring Churches and Lives: The Inspiring Journey of Inspired Heights


In an age when traditional trades are often overshadowed by modern technology and specialization, one company stands as a beacon of tradition and hope. Inspired Heights, a third-generation steeplejack company, has carved a unique niche for itself by specializing in the meticulous maintenance, repair, and restoration of churches and steeples across all 50 states. Their mission, however, goes far beyond preserving historic structures; it’s about restoring lives and giving hope to those in need.

The Steeplejack Legacy:

The art of steeplejacking is a rare and ancient trade, one that Inspired Heights has proudly carried forward through three generations. Steeplejacks are highly skilled craftsmen who climb, repair, and maintain the towering structures that grace our towns and cities. Churches and steeples, in particular, require a special touch, as they often hold deep cultural and historical significance within their communities.

For years, Inspired Heights has been at the forefront of preserving these architectural treasures, ensuring that they stand tall for future generations to admire. However, as the world evolves and technology advances, the art of steeplejacking has become a rare trade, and finding qualified workers has grown increasingly challenging.

The Struggle to Find Skilled Workers:

Inspired Heights has not only held onto the tradition of steeplejacking but has also woven a ministry of hope into the fabric of their work. The company recognizes that their mission is more about restoration than merely being a contractor. Their slogan, “restoring churches as God restores lives,” encapsulates their commitment to both preserving historic structures and helping individuals rebuild their lives.

Inspired Heights has made it a point to employ individuals who are looking to turn their lives around. They open their doors to ex-offenders, homeless individuals, and those who have successfully completed addiction recovery programs. Through their work, they offer these individuals a chance to learn valuable skills, find stability, and regain a sense of purpose.

The Heart of the Ministry:

While Inspired Heights takes pride in its work, it’s their ministry, Inspired Heights Ministries, that truly sets them apart. Located within their local church and restoration home, this ministry provides shelter and support to men, women, and families seeking a fresh start in Christ. The income generated from their steeplejacking business serves as the primary support for this life-changing endeavor.

In the face of labor shortages and the urgent need for experienced mentors, the future of Inspired Heights and their ministry hangs in the balance. The lack of skilled steeplejacks willing to travel the country and teach this ancient trade poses a significant threat to the continuation of their meaningful work.

Finding a Path Forward:

Inspired Heights has demonstrated that traditional trades and ministry can go hand in hand, making a lasting impact on both historic structures and the lives of those who need it most. To sustain their mission, they must find experienced construction workers, perhaps contractors themselves, who are willing to be trained as steeplejacks and have a desire to mentor others. But in the middle of a labor shortage this may be harder than it sounds.

As we celebrate the work of Inspired Heights, we are reminded of the importance of preserving our cultural heritage and giving people a second chance in life. In their unique blend of tradition, craftsmanship, and ministry, Inspired Heights continues to stand tall as a testament to the power of faith, hope, and dedication. The future of both their steeplejacking business and their ministry rests on the shoulders of those who understand the value of tradition, mentorship, and the transformative power of restoration.

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